Health Deveopment Information and Policy Institute




We Can Change



September 30, 2010
HDIP held a national conference called “We Can Change” with the goal to discuss Palestinian women’s conditions and major issues in Palestine.

Conference statement:
Empowerment is very important for women to make change and develop themselves and their communities.

With many success stories, women and organizations from different Palestinian districts were engaged in conference activities focused on women's equality and women's rights.

Symposia sessions were allocated for more negotiations, discussions and planning.


  • Present empowerment project results.
  • Support women in their societies and localities.
  • Present policy paper findings.
  • Networking and communicating with women globally and locally.
  • Creating models for learning by experience transmission.
  • Creating a national agenda for female empowerment and development.

International Participation
Palestinian Parliament members, Nobel Women’s Initiative members ( Betty Williams, Rigoberta, Prof. Jody Williams, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, Prof. Wangari Maathai), and many female organization leaders exchanged knowledge and sent letters to those who are committed to women’s issues and problems in an effort to affect decision makers future plans and designs .

Creating models
Our empowerment program encouraged females to improve their communication skills and increase their knowledge in democracy, human rights, leadership, advocacy campaigns, conflict transformation and resolution, and gender rights, which highly impacted their families and societies, and helped other females.

Many success stories were demonstrated emphasising that women have many characteristics and desires to make change, and to overcome all obstacles and bands whenever they have the capabilities and skills.  

