2. Abu Nahleh, L., Hammami, R., Johnson, P., Al-Malki, M., Giacaman, R., Hilal, J., Kuttab, H., and Taraki, L. Inside Palestinian Households: Initial Analysis of a Community-based Household Survey, Volume One. Birzeit: BZUICPH and BZUIWS, 2002: 174pp.

    This report is the first in two volumes analyzing data from a survey administered to 2,254 Palestinian households in nineteen communities in the West Bank and Gaza in the summer of 1999. These initial reports are best described as the firs signpost on a trail, rather than a final destination, investigating gender dynamics and social processes within and among Palestinian households.  The survey began to question how differences among households, whether in family composition, headship, type of locality, region, or educational, labor, and wealth characteristics might lead to different processes of resource allocation, preferences for children, labor patterns, and social support. In addition to whether gender dynamics are a contributing factor, a consequence, or both, in varying household strategies.