30. 'Ennab, W. Population Geography of the Villages in the West Bank. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Geography, Durham University, 1989.
This study is concerned with population growth and structure of the Arab villages in the West Bank. The author attempts to compare between the situation in the villages and the West Bank population as a whole. The data used in this study are drawn from a personal survey carried out by the author in 1987. Published data from different sources, Jordanian, Israeli, Palestinian and others were also used.
Part one examines the general characteristics of the Arab villages, the housing conditions and the household structure in the West Bank. Part two concentrates on population dynamics. Concerning patterns of fertility, no trend towards a dof level and no significant difference between the level in the West Bank as a whole and that in the West Bank villages are noted. A few women use or know of contraceptive methods. Concerning patterns of mortality, there is a trend toward a decline in mortality rates in the West Bank as a whole according Israeli sources. However, there are significant differences between the Israeli figures and those of the 1987 survey conducted by the author.
Concerning patterns of migration the author notes net migration loss from the West Bank. The author also discusses the direction of movement to and from the West Bank. Some characteristics of emigrants are presented.
Part three is concerned with population structure, including the differential of age and sex structure, the median age, and the crude dependency ratio of the population. This section of the study also discusses issues of marital status, average age at first marriage, Illiteracy, the level of education and school enrollment.