35. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. The Demographic Survey in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: Preliminary Report. Ramallah: PCBS, 1996: 281 pp.
In Arabic and English.This report presents preliminary findings of a demographic survey conducted by PCBS in the West Bank and Gaza Strip during April-July 1995. Results pertaining to Jerusalem are not included in this report. Findings covered by the report pertain to population size, housing, education, marriage, fertility, mortality, and migration. The methodology utilized in conducting the survey is described. According to the survey results, about 47% of the population were less than 15 years of age. Refugees constituted 40% of the population (64% in Gaza Strip and 27% in the West Bank). The mean size of households was 7.06. Eighty percent of the houses had access to tap water, while only 29% were connected to public sewage. The literacy was found to be 84%, with 82% of school-age children attending school. The median age at marriage was found to be 23 years for males and 18 for females. Marriage among cousins constituted about 29% of all marriages. The total fertility rate was estimated at 6.24. The data for infant mortality is questionable at 25 per 1,000 live births for the West Bank and 32 for Gaza Strip. Maternal mortality was estimated at 70-80 per 100,000 births.