38. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. The Demographic Survey in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, District Report Series (No. 3) - Nablus District. Ramallah: PCBS, 1996: 109 pp.
In Arabic and English.

This report contains data pertaining to Nablus District from the demographic survey in the West Bank and Gaza. The survey was conducted in 1995 by PCBS. Housing conditions seem to be superior to those in other districts of the West Bank, with an average household size of 6.2 (compared with 6.7 for the Remaining West Bank). Forty-nine percent of the houses in this District are connected to public sewage (compared with 19.2% for the RWB). Fertility was also lower than other districts, estimated at 5.01 (compared with 5.61 for the RWB). Other results were comparable with those from the RWB.