41. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. The Demographic Survey in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, District Report Series (No. 6) - Bethlehem District. Ramallah: PCBS, 1996: 109 pp.
In Arabic and English.

This report documents data pertaining to Bethlehem District from the demographic survey in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The survey was conducted in 1995 by PCBS. About 90% of houses had access to tap water. However, public sewage is connected to only 10% of the district's houses. The median age at marriage for both males (22 years) and females (17 years) is lower than that of the Remaining West Bank (23 and 18, respectively). However, the fertility rate was estimated to be 4.97, a lower rate than the 5.61 figure for the RWB. The infant mortality rate was estimated at 31 per thousand births, a higher figure than RWB's 25 per thousand births.