44. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. The Demographic Survey in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, District Report Series (No. 9) - South and Central Gaza Strip. Ramallah: PCBS, 1996: 108 pp.
In Arabic and English.

Data is presented pertaining to the South and Central Gaza Strip from the demographic survey in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The survey was conducted in 1995 by PCBS. As is characteristic of the Gaza Strip as a whole, about 50% of the population were aged under the age of 15 years. The mean household size was 7.9 persons. Public sewage was connected to less than 15% of the houses. This is a significantly lower figure than the eighty percent in the North Gaza Strip. The total fertility rate was estimated to be 7.56, a slightly higher figure than the 7.44 for the Gaza Strip. The infant mortality rate was estimated to be a relatively higher figure (39 per thousand births) compared with both the West Bank and North Gaza Strip.