9. Jacobson, L. Educated Housewives: Living Conditions among Palestinian Refugee Women. Norway: Fafo, 2004: 50pp.

    The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of the living conditions of Palestinian refugee women across the various host countries in which they live. The objective is to present living conditions’ results in such a way as makes sense taking into consideration the daily lives of refugee women as different in the context and outcomes than the lives of refugee men. The resources used for this paper are primarily data on women and girls generated from a series of living conditions’ surveys Fafo has conducted in the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The report is divided into five parts: the first deals with women and society, the second describes women’s roles and acceptance of these roles by others, part three focuses on women poverty and work, part four discusses women’s and girls’ education and health and part five focuses on women, family and home.