16. Ismail, N. and Shahin, M. Family Planning and Women's Reproductive Health Survey. Jerusalem: PRC, 1996: 62 pp.

Information is scarce about the knowledge, attitudes and practices of Palestinian women regarding reproductive health and family planning. This study collects baseline information about the issues to help determine the needs for health education and services and to monitor progress as the Ministry of Health integrates family planning into its primary health care services. The survey used in this study is based on 781 interviews with ever-married women of reproductive age from 645 households in the West Bank. Refugee camps are not included. Results indicate that at least one in two Palestinian women is insufficiently educated, marries at an average of nineteen years of age, and becomes a mother at a young age. Most women have some knowledge about family planning methods, although some of their information is of questionable value. Approximately 69.8 percent of the sample wish to postpone or stop childbearing. Most of the women have received some antenatal care. Several conclusions and policy implications are presented. The appendices of this study include the survey questionnaire in Arabic and the results of a focus group