7. 'Abdeen, Z. and Barghouthi, F. Evaluation of Family Planning Services In the West Bank and Gaza Strip. A Report on Behalf of the Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association. Jerusalem: Data Bank And Health Related Research Center and Arab College Of Medical Professions, 1994: 161 pp.

The purpose of this evaluation was to describe and assess the adequacy of the existing family planning services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This was done as a preliminary step in increasing access to family planning advice. The study targeted family planning clinics (38), private physicians (38), and family planning clients. The main providers covered were UPMRC (17 clinics), PFPPA (10 centers) and UNRWA (9 clinics in Gaza Strip). UPMRC provided family planning as part of its Women’s Health Program, while UNRWA clinics only provided this service on demand. Out of the 38 private physicians surveyed, only seven were female. Over half of the physicians had no relationship whatsoever with centers of family planning in their vicinity. The intrauterine device (IUD) was the most commonly used contraceptive method (84% of women interviewed), followed by oral contraceptive pills (around 9%). The majority of family planning users were satisfied with the method they are using. In general, the study indicates an increasing utilization of family planning services over the generations. The cost of service was not considered an obstacle. A discussion of the management aspects of family planning programs is included.