10. Giacaman, R. and Johnson, P. Who Lives in Jenin Refugee Camp? : A Brief Statistical Profile. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 4pp.

This report gives a statistical profile for residence of Jenin Camp using data from the PCBS 1997 national census, UNRWA information, and a 1999 community-based household survey by the Institute of Women’s Studies at Birzeit University (IWS), in cooperation with the Institute of Community and Public Health (ICPH), which included Jenin camp among the nineteen communities studied, we can glimpse a community of human beings living in want, and in very difficult circumstances, with particular vulnerabilities and with aspirations for a better future for their children. The 1997 national census recorded a population of 9,104 in Jenin refugee camp, living in 1,614 households. UNRWA reports a larger population of registered refugees at 13,055, suggesting that some households live outside formal camp boundaries, which are quite restricted. Jenin camp lies within the municipal boundaries of Jenin, and was established in 1953 on 373 dunums of land, roughly a square kilometer.