12. Giacaman, R., and Husseini, A. Life and Health during the Israeli Invasion of the West Bank: The City of Nablus. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 7pp.

This report, focusing on the city of Nablus, is the second in a series of reports elaborating some of the details and difficulties of daily life for Palestinian families during the April 2002 invasion of the West Bank. This is a house to house survey which identifies households as its main unit of analysis, offering quantitative indicators that are generalizable to all of the households and population of the city. This survey was conducted during the first 10 days of May 2002, just after the lifting of the curfew and the partial withdrawal of the Israeli army to the outskirts of the town. A stratified random sample of households was chosen primarily based on locale, and representative of all of the households in the city.