13. Giacaman, R., and Husseini, A. Life and Health during the Israeli Invasion of the West Bank: The Town of Jenin. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 8pp.
This is the third of our brief statistical reports on the daily life, health and environmental conditions of families living under curfew and in fear and danger, during the latest Israeli invasion of the town of Jenin. This report excludes Jenin Refugee Camp, which deserves an investigation on its own. This statistical report focuses on households and individuals, instead of communities, offering quantitative indicators generalizable to all of the population, and confirming or negating impressions and observations made in rapid appraisal through interviews. The invasion of Jenin began on the 2nd of April and ended 21 days later, on the 22nd of 2002. Then again, since the partial withdrawal of the Israeli army, Jenin town has been reinvaded more than once, usually for a period of several hours, where the Israeli army enters the town, destroys homes and infrastructure, arrests or kills selected individuals then leaves.