14. Giacaman,R., and Husseini, A. Life and Health during the Israeli Invasion of the West Bank: The Town of Tulkarem. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 8pp.

This is the fourth brief statistical report focusing on the daily life and environmental conditions of families living under curfew and in fear and in danger, during the latest Israeli invasion of the West Bank. This report pertains specifically to Tulkarem, with a population estimated by PCBS in 1997 to be around 33949, and 6141 households. According to this study, the town of Tulkarem suffered damages amounting to $8,881, 493, the lowest of our surveyed towns. This survey hopes to address at least to some extent the humanitarian and social costs paid by the people of Tulkarem during the reinvasion. It focuses on households and individuals, offering quantitative indicators of their situation generalizable to all of the population, and confirming to a good extent impressions and observations made in rapid appraisal and through interviews by journalists, researchers and institutions.