16. Halileh, S. The Effects of Israel’s Operation Defensive Shield on Palestinian Children Living in the West Bank. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 9pp.

This report summarizes some specific violations of children’s rights that occurred as a result of the Israeli Operation Defensive Shield—the rights to life, physical and psychological well being, healthcare, education, and protection from torture. The Operation began on 29 March 2002 with the reoccupation of the city of Ramallah followed soon after by the rest of the Palestinian cities. The reoccupation lasted variable lengths of time, with the longest in Bethlehem for 45 consecutive days. For Palestinian children, this meant the interruption of normal life including education, social interactions, accessibility to health care, and loss of income for their families. In addition, there was psychological trauma from exposure to shelling, shootings and beatings that led to injuries, disabilities and loss of life.