23. Khatib, R., and Halileh, S. The Impact of Israeli Incursion, Siege and Closure on the Immunization Program in the West Bank. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 5pp.
This report highlights the impact of the invasion, curfew, siege, and closure on the immunization program and how the MoH tackled the problems. The vaccination schedule in the Palestinian Territories (PT) is unified between the United Nation Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA), which vaccinates refugee children, and the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health (MoH), which vaccinates non-refugees children. Telephone and personal Interviews were conducted with key personnel responsible for the immunization programs at the Ministry of Health, UNRWA, NGOs and private physicians. Immunization records available at the MoH for the months of January to April 2002 were reviewed. At the end of the report recommendations are made for future policies that might reduce the impact of such events on the health of the children.