28. Palestine Red Crescent Society. Humanitarian Duty: Violations of International Humanitarian Law against the Palestine Red Crescent Society. Al- Bireh: PRCS, 2003: 49 pp.
This report is the first in a series that documents violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) against the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) from the beginning of the Second Intifada. The report describes ways in which the humanitarian function of PRCS is hindered. It does so with reference to IHL, as set forth in international conventions and rules that have been adopted and ratified by states worldwide. One of the goals of this report is to introduce IHL to all readers, so that they may be aware of its principles, aims, and objectives. It also aims to show the extent to which IHL is being complied with, and the violations perpetrated against those institutions and individuals that rely on IHL for protection in order to be able to provide their humanitarian services to society. This report is published by the PRCS IHL Unit, which endeavors to spread knowledge of IHL, and shed light on infractions of IHL committed against the Society’s crews during the performance of their duties. This book is divided into separate units, each showing one type of violation. It is supported with many real-life examples, and links them to provisions of international conventions, such as the four Geneva Conventions and their protocols, and the Hague Convention, all of which have expressly banned such transgressions.