30. Physicians for Human Rights. Physicians for Human Rights Forensic Team Preliminary Assessment: Jenin, April 21-23, 2002. USA, Washington D.C.: Physicians for Human Rights, 2002: 11pp.

Prompted by reports of alleged violations of human rights during the recent Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operation in the West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, Physicians for Human Rights-USA (PHR-USA) sent an assessment team to the area. The goal of the assessment was to determine whether an independent international investigation of recent events in the Jenin area is necessary. Also, this assessment provides recommendations regarding investigative requirements necessary to gather information adequately and objectively in a manner that meets international standards of scrutiny. This document is not meant to serve as a comprehensive accounting of deaths and injuries in Jenin, but instead is intended to serve as an initial assessment of the situation.