35. Ziv, H. Physicians and Torture: The Case of Israel. Israel: Physicians for Human Rights, undated: 23pp.
This essay was written after Physicians for Human Rights-Israel was presented with a number of cases indicating that doctors were cooperating in the process of torture, most notably by performing examinations before an interrogation involving torture and by examining and providing treatment during the interrogation itself. These cases strengthen the suspicion that the GSS is using doctors as a “safety net” and turning them into an integral part of the process of torture. A careful reading of the UN's and the World Medical Association's international conventions, which ban the use of torture in general and the participation of doctors in particular, as well as the interpretations these have given rise to, leads to the conclusion that a medical examination before an interrogation involving torture and an examination during the process of torture in which the prisoner has been detained for the purpose of this interrogation, constitute collaboration in torture.