37.Ziv, H., Aghbariyya,I., Lubell,N., El'ad, N., Haj-yehya,S., Vardi,S. and Weingarten, M. A legacy of Injustice: A Critique of Israeli Approaches to the Right to Health of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Israel: Physicians for Human Rights, 2002: 80pp.

This report begins with an introductory chapter examining the protections afforded to the right to health in international law. The report continues with a brief historical review of health services prior to the peace negotiations, as well as a review of the clauses in the Oslo Accords relating to health issues.  The legal situation following the accords is then analyzed, including a review of the Israeli position in light of the requirements of relevant conventions and international law.  The report then discusses the situation created in the Occupied Territories following the Oslo Accords, particularly in the context of Israel's continued control of factors that determine health, and its long-standing policy of restricting the movement of patients and medical personnel in the Occupied Territories.  This section reviews High Court petitions filed by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-Israel) on this issue during the period 1991-2002, and presents case histories illustrating the inability of Palestinian residents to realize their right to health due to Israel's control of every step of their life. Israel's control of many aspects of the management of the Palestinian health system (e.g., import of medicines, patient referrals) will also be presented.