1. Abu Dayyeh Shamas, M. The Second Palestinian Intifada:  Social and Psychological Implications for Palestinian Women Resulting from the Israeli Escalation of Violence. Jerusalem: Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC), 2001:14pp.

This paper discusses the social and psychological effects of the Intifada, which has been going on for ten months before the writing of this paper, on Palestinians in general and women in specific. The Palestinian occupied territories have been engulfed in a bloody popular uprising against what seemed to be the perpetuation of Israel’s hegemony and domination, as Israel has employed cruel and excessive military force against a largely defenseless Palestinian population, over 500 civilians have been killed (including 25 women), a third of whom children.  Meanwhile, over 16,000 people have been injured, with one out of every ten suffering permanent disabilities. This paper examines the nature of the situation in which Palestinians and, specifically, women find themselves today, the impact of organized violence and oppression on the collective psyche, and the future implications of living under such circumstances. It then outlines strategies that may be used to confront these forces, in attempting to mitigate negative social and psychological consequences.