5. Daoud, A.Thalassemia Patients’ Situation during the Israeli Reinvasion of the West Bank. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 5pp.
The current situation in Palestine has severely affected every aspect of Palestinian society. One of the main sectors affected is the health sector. In this brief report, the status of a very specific and vulnerable group of patients is described—patients suffering from Beta Thalassemia Major. Beta Thalassemia Major is an inherited blood disease (hemoglobinpathy). The report describes the situation of the patients in six West Bank cities . Thalassemia major is the most severe form and requires continuous, specific, and expensive medical care. The main treatment for this disease is blood transfusions in addition to drug therapy. Currently, most thalassemia patients receive blood transfusions (red blood cells) every 3–4 weeks to keep the hemoglobin within the normal range. This transfusion, in combination with the chelator drug, Desferrioxamine (Desferal®), must be administered to rid the body from excess iron resulting from repeated transfusions. Both are vital for the survival, well being, and reduction of complications