60. Barghouthi. M, Jubran. J, Awad. N, Al-Faqih. R, Nafe' A, Khalili. S. Health and Segregation II: The impact of the Israeli Wall on Access to Health Care Services. Health, Development, Information, and Policy Institute. August 2005.
This is an updated report on the impact of the separation wall built by Israel in 2002 and its effect on the health sector in Palestine. The apartheid wall built in 2002 aims to separate the West Bank from all parts of historical Palestine does not only alienate the West Bank and its population, but it also affects all parts of Palestinian life including the healthcare service delivery system. Health services are severely affected as the wall prevents the delivery of such services to many remote areas surrounding the wall.
This report presents all current and potential problems that the wall possess on the healthcare service delivery system based on statistical data and scientific evidence. The report is divided into five sections. The first section presents a general background on the wall and problems that medical teams face in reaching to remote areas. Section two presents a vulnerability assessment of Primary health care services (second phase only as the first phase was covered in the first report) and a mapping of the affected areas as well as an outline of the areas with a weak health infrastructure. Section three presents an in depth discussion of the issues facing the health care services delivery system. Section four presents the newly adopted strategies used to overcome the problems imposed on the health care service delivery system (by the wall), and section five presents an analysis of new strategies that need to be nationally adopted in the face of the challenges that the health sector is encountering due to the wall.
The report is a great resource for scholars, professionals, students, organizations, and other interested individuals seeking to understand the facts that the Palestinian people are facing. It includes accurate statistical data as well as very well designed maps that will provide a more accurate understanding of the report.