7. Filfil, M. and Abu Safieh, R. The Impact of Israeli Policies of Siege and Closures, including the Siege and Re-occupation of Ramallah, on the Living Environment of Birzeit Town. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 7pp.

This report describes the impact of Israeli measures on the town of Birzeit since the beginning of the second Intifada in September 2000 up until the reoccupation of the West Bank on March 29th, 2002. It includes impacts on environmental and health services, education, economy and social life. Where information is available, the situation in Birzeit during the siege and re-occupation of Ramallah is described.
While most attention has focused on the deaths, injuries, and destruction of infrastructure, the impact of the Israeli measures on the population’s daily life has been covered less extensively. It is believed that, even in areas far from direct confrontation and attack, daily life has become extremely difficult, and the environment and environmental health services have been affected in ways that are likely to have longer-term consequences on health.