31. Barghouthi, M. and Lennock, J. Health in Palestine: Potential and Challenges. MAS Discussion Papers. Jerusalem and Ramallah: MAS, 1997: 72 pp.
In Arabic and English.

This report examines the health situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the light of recent developments that have taken place following the Oslo agreement. The health situation is examined in terms of recent changes in indices of health status, indices of health services, health insurance, and heath sector financing. Obstacles to establishing an effective health system are emphasized. Political obstacles include the restricted control over land and natural resources, the separation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the separation of Jerusalem and the economic effects of the closure. Other structural, strategic, financial and managerial obstacles are presented. The authors provide a number of recommendations. First, emphasis should be placed on developing the infrastructure on health, water, sanitation and garbage disposal. Quality improvement rather than quantitative growth should be prioritized. They also recommend the development of a strategic vision that would stress the involvement of different sectors in planning and formulating policies. The development of contractual relationships between MOH and both NGOs and the private sectors is suggested.