4.Hamdan, M. and Defever, M. Human resources for health in Palestine: a policy analysis. Part I: Current situation and recent developments Health Policy 2003; 64, 2:243-259.

Human Resources for Health Development (HRD) has been a priority and focus of attention in the Palestinian healthcare system since the changeover of authority on the system at the end of 1994. This analysis examines HRD between 1994 and 2001. The aim is to provide an insight into and better understanding of the issue in a conflicting and transitional context. The results of this analysis are presented in two parts. Part I looks at the current situation and recent developments in Human Resources for Health (HRH) in Palestine. On the one hand, it analyses the relationship between HRH deficiencies and major policy options and strategies. On the other hand, it examines the correlation between HRH policy development and the policy context. Particular attention is given to the links between national health policy priorities and health sector reform initiatives. Part II focuses on the process of HRH policy formulation and implementation.