40. Giacaman, R. Primary Health Care Training: An Assessment of Needs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Birzeit: BZUCHU, 1995: 88 pp.

A report on a training needs assessment for primary health care human resources is presented. The training is aimed primarily at physicians and nurses. The document begins with an historical overview of the current health system, followed by a review of the human resource structure. The study design combined a structured questionnaire administered to human resources working in primary health care settings, while semi-structured interviews were conducted with key health experts. The study results include a list of immediate training needs for physicians and nurses, as well as guidelines for future training action. Results indicate the need for in-service training and continuing education for these human resources. It is suggested that such training should be integrated into a continuous rational training model, with clear aims and periodic evaluation. Training should be accompanied by needed structural and managerial changes. The training of mid-level supervisors' trainers was indicated as a national level priority. Topics identified as priority include: technical medical skills, epidemiology, principles of primary health care, communication skills, managerial skills and research skills.