41. Giel, R., Gilbert, M., O'Hanlon, K. and Spier, W. Needs Assessment in Respect of Emergency Medical Care in UNRWA Clinics and Non-governmental Hospitals of the West Bank and Gaza. WHO short term consultancy, 30 April to 20 May, 1989: 41 pp.
An UNRWA commissioned study concerning the needs for emergency care development in the West Bank and Gaza. Main recommendations include: (1) An increase should occur in support for emergency services as a result of uprising injuries. (2) UNRWA clinics should be upgraded and equipped for emergency care. (3) Ambulance services should be expanded. (4) Hospital services need upgrading and expanding. (5) Nursing training in emergency care should be provided. (6) development of rehabilitation and long term care for the severely disabled should occur. (7) UNRWA should play an increased role as a coordinator of health services (8) Training should be provided in dealing with psychological stress and grief.