44. Health Development Information Project. The HDIP Health NGOs Workshop on the Question of Coordination Between the Non-governmental Health Sector and the Ministry of Health. Policy Dialogue Series, Number 1. Ramallah: HDIP, 1996: 35 pp.
A report is presented on the first of a series of coordination workshops between the Palestinian health NGOs and the Ministry of Health. The workshop was facilitated by HDIP. The focus was directed towards the issue of policy formulation and implementation. Issues discussed in the workshop included hospital services, primary health care, research, emergency services, rehabilitation and training. Other general policy issues addressed by the report include the role of non-governmental health services, communication between Gaza Strip and the West Bank, problems facing health institutions in Jerusalem and regional and inter-regional coordination. Participants recommended the establishment of a health policy board that would include representatives from the government, NGOs, private and UNRWA sectors. Another significant recommendation encouraged the government to subcontract services to the health NGOs.