45. Health Development Information Project. Sharing Responsibility: Second Coordination Workshop between the Health NGO Sector and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Policy Dialogue Series, Number 2. Ramallah: HDIP, 1996: 40 pp.
This report presents the outcome of the second workshop in the Policy Dialogue Series to promote coordination between the Palestinian health NGOs and the Ministry of Health. With the participation of the Minister of Health and his deputy, the workshop aimed at delineating roles and responsibilities of MOH and NGOs, exploring potentials for partnership and coordination and identifying priorities for coordination. A proposed mechanism for future coordination was suggested in the form of a national committee for coordinating health care planning and delivery in Palestine. This committee would consist of representatives from the government, NGOs, UNRWA and private sector. An annex presents the outcome of a coordination meeting involving 40 health NGOs. An executive committee was formed to process the coordination efforts with the government. HDIP was as the of committee.