46. Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute. Coordinating Primary Health Care: Third Coordination Workshop between the Health NGO Sector and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Policy Dialogue Series, Number 3. Ramallah: HDIP, 1997: 38 pp.
A report on the third coordination workshop between health NGOs and the MOH is presented. The focus of this workshop was primary health care provision. The Ministry presented a brief picture of its five-year health plan. The report also includes presentations of primary health care services offered by the major health NGOs and charitable societies. The importance of health information as a tool for coordination was presented, using the Jenin area as a case study. MOH also presented the Jenin area as a model for coordination, providing examples of coordination with local NGOs in the area. Recommendations include establishing a joint committee for coordinating PHC provision, as well as subcontracting governmental health services to NGOs.