50. International People’s Health Council. The Concept of Health Under National Democratic Struggle. Jerusalem: UPMRC, 1995, 161 pp.

This document presents the proceedings of the first conference of the International People’s Health Council, hosted by UPMRC and held in Jerusalem in November 1992. First, a historical profile of health care development in Palestine is introduced. Keynote speeches deal with different issues about the relationship between primary health care and the struggle for liberation, democracy and social justice. Two keynote speeches are made by Palestinian participants. Next, country analyses of democratic and progressive initiatives in health from 12 countries (including Palestine) are introduced. The list includes both developing and developed countries from Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe. The third section presents reports and recommendations from the conference workshops. Issues discussed include women’s health, community-based rehabilitation, community participation and empowerment, decentralization, family planning, environment and networking. Finally, the conference summary statement is presented.