65. Palestine Council of Health, Quality of Health Care Unit. The Strategic Plan for Quality of Health Care in Palestine. Ramallah: Palestinian Ministry of Health, 1994: 79 pp.

Compared with nations of similar economic status, Palestine invests more resources on health. Despite this, there is widespread discontent regarding the overall quality of health care in Palestine. The Strategic Plan's main goal is therefore to "attain the highest possible level of quality of health care in Palestine". The objective of this report is to summarize the work completed so far on the National Program in Quality of Health Care (NPQHC). The report will be widely distributed to health care planners and providers in order to help them to embrace and commit themselves to improving the quality of health care in Palestine. A discussion is provided about the issues and problems facing quality of health care in Palestine. This is followed by a matrix providing goals and objectives in achieving the overall aim of increased quality of health care. Strategies, resources, responsible parties, and ways of evaluating the attainment of objectives are also presented.