69. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Health Survey in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, 1996: Analytical Report Series No. 2: Health Insurance and the Use of Health Care Institutions. Ramallah 1999: 31 Pages. In Arabic only.
This is a report on the health insurance coverage of the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It is part of a comprehensive health status survey which was carried out in 1996. The report indicates that 62% of the total Palestinian population included in the survey were covered by health insurance. Insurance coverage was 77% for the population surveyed from the Gaza Strip compared to 55% coverage in the West Bank. The four types of health insurance available are private insurance, social security which covers poor families, UNRWA health insurance coverage for the refugee population, and finally government health insurance. The report provides information on health insurance coverage by age, and place of residence, type of insurance and utilization of services. Some of the recommendations at the conclusion of the report were to expand government health insurance coverage and services in certain areas of residence, as well as to improve the quality of free services provided by government health insurance.