70. Palestinian Ministry of Health. National Strategic Health Plan - Palestine (1999-2003). Gaza: PNA, 1999: 202 pp.
The health care system in Palestine consists of public, non-governmental, UNRWA, and private (profit and non-profit) service delivery and is developing a governmental health insurance system. The National Strategic Health Plan describes the health care system in place and its plans for the future. Included in the report are strategies for institution building. This section describes plans for health research, finance, legislation, insurance, and other institutional aspects. The next section explains the current status of primary health care in Palestine and outlines plans for the various sectors, including family medicine, mother and child health, school health, environmental health, mental health, epidemiology, etc. Plans for secondary and tertiary health services incorporate general and specific information on hospitals and emergency medical services in the West Bank and Gaza. Other aspects of the health care, such as blood banks, pharmaceutical services, and laboratories are described and analyzed in a section of health support services. Finally the report discusses future plans for medical services directorate in Palestine. This field was established to provide health services to military, police, and security personnel and their family members.