85. USAID, Asia/Near East Bureau. Palestinian Health Systems Support Project. Washington, DC: USAID, 1993: 83 pp.

In this report, USAID presents its project plan which is designed to address two of the central strategic objectives set forth by the overall USAID Program Strategy for the West Bank and Gaza Strip for 1993-1997. The two objectives addressed in this report are: 1) to increase the use of selected improved health care services, and 2) to improve planning and management of development activities by selected Palestinian institutions. Assistance will be provided for the emerging national health sector as well as existing NGOs who have delivered the majority of health care during the Israeli occupation. The development assistance to be provided for strengthening the sustainability and management capacity of these institutions is described in the context of the four main components of the Project: 1) Sectoral Administration/ Management, 2) Financial Administration/Management, 3) Information Systems, and 4) Health Promotion. An implementation plan and a project monitoring and evaluation plan are also presented.