87. World Bank. West Bank and Gaza Medium Term Development Strategy and Public Financing Priorities for the Health Sector. Volume I: Main Report. Middle East and North Africa Region: World Bank, 1997: 47 pp.
This main report recommends short and long term strategies "to ensure the financial sustainability of the health sector while improving access to health care as well as its efficiency and quality". As a background to the study, data is presented on economic, political, demographic and health indicators. This data is drawn from reports by Palestinian agencies, international organizations, field visits and direct interviews with responsible personnel. Following this, a description of the health service delivery system is provided including information about the general infrastructure, human resources and pharmaceuticals. The changes in the Palestinian health financing system since the transfer of authority are presented. Among other things, premium rates have decreased in order to encourage expansion. This has lowered the total revenues from insurance premiums despite more participation. The role of the Palestinian Authority in health financing is further described as are the sources, management and uses of financing. In regards to access and equity of health services, most Palestinians have physical access to health care services yet many households have to bear the full cost of health care. Several short and long term recommendations are provided to help develop a coherent strategy that will deliver quality services efficiently and in a sustainable manner.