88. World Bank. West Bank and Gaza Medium Term Development Strategy and Public Financing Priorities for the Health Sector. Volume II: Annexes. Middle East and North Africa Region: World Bank, 1997: 110 pages.

Four annexes are presented meant to supplement the main report. Annex 1 provides the reader with macroeconomic projections for recurrent costs and total Ministry of Health (MOH) expenditures. Two scenarios are presented; Scenario A demonstrates projections for higher recurrent costs while Scenario B represents projections for lower recurrent costs. According to these scenarios total MOH expenditures will range from 3.3% to 3.6% of GDP and from 10.9% to 12% of PA total expenditure. Annex 2 presents a working paper on financing and organization of health services. This paper aims to update the latest information on health financing, examine the trends in health financing, estimate the projected revenue and expenditure patterns under different MOH policy scenarios, identify the areas in health financing that need urgent attention and to suggest relevant financing policies. Annex 3 provides a comprehensive overview of reproductive health in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, including maternal and adolescent health. The fourth annex describes the pharmaceutical sector, its concomitant problems and possible future strategies for improvements in the sector in support of improved quality of care in Palestine. Finally, the last annex presents a short paper on the development of a legislative framework for health insurance.