89. WHO Collaborating Center in Health Manpower Development. Health Manpower in the West Bank. A Preliminary Study. Ramallah: Health Manpower Development Research Center, 1988: 35 pp.

The authors discuss the current staffing of the government health sector and make proposals for its development. Detailed statistical data are presented concerning current staffing levels.

The authors point out inadequate staffing and an inadequate number of clinics as being major problems. The small number of clinics in smaller villages is noted and it is stated that 67% of all population concentrations have no MCH centers.

The paper suggests the following objectives for the next five year period:

-Upgrading staffing of the existing facilities.
-Increasing the number of clinics.
-Including physical therapy, occupational therapy, dental care, radiology, laboratory and family planning services to those already being provided.

The authors propose a four-tier PHC system with the level of services provided in a particular village depending on its population size: "District Health Centers" providing a wide range of services are proposed for seven major cities; 18 comprehensive health centers are suggested for larger towns; 92 satellite clinics for larger villages and 88 health posts for villages with populations of less than 2,000 persons. Manpower needs for this plan are presented in detail.

Concerning secondary health care, the authors point out a shortage of a wide range of specialists and specialized departments.