14. 'Abed, Y. Priorities for Infectious Disease Research in Palestine. Gaza: Gaza Health Services Research Center, 1998: 14 pp.
In this document, the author describes six priorities for infectious disease research in Palestine. During the past fifty years the Palestinian health system has been severely fragmented resulting in both lack of experience in health professional and lack of interest in further research. Research into infectious diseases is important as the West Bank and Gaza Strip are exposed to risk factors such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions, political rest and a shortage of health facilities. The author lists the six priorities as: 1) to carry out a national health survey, 2) to establish an epidemiological surveillance system, 3) to support the diagnostic facilities, 4) to develop manpower, 5) to increase inter-sectoral coordination and international cooperation in the field of infectious disease control, and 6) to conduct research activities assessing prevalence and incidence of various diseases and to define their risk factors.