48. Tulchinsky, T., Abed, Y., Handsher, R., Toubassi, N., Acker, C., and Melnick, J. Successful Control of Poliomyelitis by a Combined OPV/IPV Polio Vaccine Program in the West Bank and Gaza, 1978-93. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 1994; 30: 489-494.

This article argues that the combination of OPV and IPV provides an important alternative strategy in the worldwide effort to eradicate poliomyelitis. This is based on the West Bank/Gaza experience, where in 1978 such a combined program was instituted leading to a dramatic decline in polio incidence. An overview is provided of the characteristics of polio vaccine campaigns using both methods in Gaza and the West Bank, and similar campaigns implemented in the face of outbreaks in Israel and Jordan. The authors describe the respective strengths and weaknesses of OPV and IPV and provide several justifications for using a combined policy.