49. UNICEF. Immunization Coverage Among Children Under the Age of Five Residing Outside Refugee Camps in the West Bank in 1990. Jerusalem: UNICEF, 1992: 24 pp.
A survey based on the WHO guidelines for rapid cluster surveys was carried out to investigate immunization coverage in children less than five years of age residing outside refugee camps in the West Bank. Children's immunization coverage is noted to be high. However, late vaccination poses a problem. It is also noted that the method of sampling adopted for the study under-represented communities with large population sizes that could have led to some bias.
The main results include:
-98.8% coverage rate by Polio 3 for children aged 12 - 23 months
-99.9% coverage rate by DPT 3 for children aged 12 - 23 months
-94.0% coverage rate by Measles for children aged 24 - 35 months
-50% of mothers with children aged less than 11 months received TT1 and 31.7% received TT2
-No sex differentials were noted.