50. Wolk, M., Ohad, E., Shafran, R., Schmid, I., and Jarjoui, E. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in Hospitalized Arab Infants from Judea Area--West Bank, Israel. Public Health 1997; 111: 11-17.
The article describes a study of Escherichia coli frequency in infants hospitalized in Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem during April-December 1993. ETEC was present in 44% of the cases. Most of the cases suffered from diarrhea, often with fever and vomiting. Dehydration occurred in 58.3% of the cases and failure to thrive in 28.5% of them. Correlation was found between the degree of toxigenity and the severity of the disease.