8. Melad, A. Country Report on the Current Situation of Malaria and Other Vector-Born Diseases in Palestine. Gaza, PNA: Vector control Department Ministry of Heath, 2003:6pp.

This papers deals with the situation of several insects’ species that are present in Palestine, the most important insect of medical importance is the mosquitoes and sand flies. Leishmaniasis is among the major causes of diseases in West Bank .The vector Control Department in the Ministry of health is responsible for controlling of the vectors in Palestine in cooperation with the municipalities and other ministries and Sectors for Mosquito control.  Mosquito Control is carried out at breading sites by using mechanical, chemical and biological methods, Mechanical and chemical control are carried out daily especially in Gaza valleys, sewage pools and agriculture pools, Biological control is used in limited areas specially in valleys the most important breeding sites for mosquito inhabitants are Gaza valleys. Sewage ponds, In addition to Al Muasi areas were spreading in the coastal area.