1. Abu-Nijmeh,A., Maqboul,E., and Awad,M. Factors that Encourage or Hinder High School Students in Bethlehem Area to Study nursing at Bethlehem University. Bethlehem University, 1999: 27pp.

This study was conducted in an aim to detect the main variable that may restrain or encourage high school students in Bethlehem area to study nursing at Bethlehem University. This study revealed two main facts: first, more males than females are interested in studying nursing. Secondly, in contrast to their peers who learn at private schools, governmental school students are more concerned to join this profession. Moreover the personal desire nurtured by the prevailing cultural and social values and beliefs proved to be the main factor that either impedes or inspires the student to study a specific profession. Only 35% of the high school graders inclined to join the faculty of nursing.