14. Obeidi, F. The Impact of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict on the Environment and the Role of the Palestinian Environmental NGOs in Protecting the Environment. Peace Research Institute in the Middle East, undated: 21pp.
This study aimed at developing civil society peace consolidation through exploring the special possibilities of strengthening a culture of peace through joint work on projects which are perceived positively as regards both interest and value orientation by both sides. In addition, the project examines the role of the Palestinian and Israeli environmental, non-governmental organizations in the sector of peace/environment. The project integrates the effort to develop methods to overcome obstacles to cooperation between the Palestinian and Israeli environmental NGOs which are willing to maintain peace in ethno-political conflicts with the specifics of the constellation prevailing in the Middle East. Analyses of the selected Palestinian environmental NGOs (non-governmental organizations) were based on size of the NGO, main areas of interests, the role of the NGO in the environmental community, views about cooperation with the Israeli side, scope of activities, creativity in the main areas of specialization, the motivation to cooperate with the other side, views about the connection between environment and peace, experience stemming from cooperation, especially in dealing with typical obstacles to cooperation, handling of experience and ability to develop a model for self-evaluation in order to improve cooperation.