17. Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres Palestine. Medical and Pharmaceutical Situation inside the West Bank in Primary Health Care. Palestine: PSF, 2003: 20 pp.
The main goal of this study is to provide insights about the pharmaceutical and medical situation by assessing health related activities in the Primary Health Care in the West Bank thanks to health management indicators. Drugs availability and quality are generally satisfactory in the West Bank. Major problems occur as a result of political turbulence. As the pharmaceutical market is not open to the international competition since the Israeli restrictions, the prices obtained by the Palestinian Ministry of Health through the tender are quite expensive. Also the delay of drugs delivery from suppliers and the lack of contact between MoH of Gaza and its deputy MoH in the West Bank, due to the movement restriction, have a direct impact on the drugs procurement. The Alhaqsa Intifada PNA health insurance increases the financial burden of the MoH. Therefore, Moh will face more and more difficulties to manage its drug management system, especially if the regional situation becomes worst.