27. 'Abdulhadi, R., Haddad, M., Bitar, N.,Tamimi, S. The Environment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: A Preliminary Report. The Center for Engineering and Planning, Ramallah, 1990.
The authors present a large body of statistical data concerning land, water resources, population, waste water and solid waste disposal. Some of the data, particularly those concerning waste water and solid waste disposal are valuable and unpublished elsewhere.
The discussion of health issues, however, is incomplete and inaccurate, reflecting the engineering background of the authors. Obvious errors include the claim that childhood diarrheal diseases are mainly waterborne and that E. histolitica, G. Lamblia and A. lumbricoides are the main causes of childhood diarrheal diseases.
Although an extensive list of references is given, they are not linked to the data in the text. The reader is thus left unaware of the source of the statistics presented which reflects a major limitation.