3. Al Khatib, I., Ju’ba, A., Kamal, N., Hamed, N., Hmeidan, N., and Massad, S. Impact of housing conditions on the health of the people at al-Ama’ri refugee camp in the West Bank of Palestine. International journal of Environmental Health Research 2003; 13,4: 315–326.
This study focuses on Al-Ama’ri camp which is situated to the south of Ramallah city in the West Bank of Palestine. It is densely populated, with a total population of 4,046, divided into 760 households, on a surface area of 93 dunums (93,000 m2). In this research, the relationship between the housing conditions at Ama’ri camp and the prevalence and incidence rates of upper respiratory tract diseases has been studied. The diseases and symptoms most encountered in winter, and those include: common cold, cough, pharyngitis, in.uenza, ear infection, asthma and bronchitis have been studied. It was found that these are diseases directly related to poor housing conditions. Cold housing, presence of dampness and moulds, dust and smoke, burning of biomass fuel, crowding, poor ventilation and inadequate lighting problems are commonly found in the houses of this refugee camp.