35. Applied Research Institute Jerusalem. Environmental Profile for the West Bank, Volume 7: Jenin District. Jerusalem: ARIJ, 1996

The city of Jenin holds an important position in Palestinian history as many historical battles against occupying forces, such as Hiteen and Ein Jalout took place there. The city was also the center of the revolution against Israeli occupation from 1948 to 1967. This report provides a profile of the most important environmental issues in the Jenin district. It contains topographic and climatic digital models and maps of the district prepared by a research team. Information on socioeconomic characteristics, geology, land use and soils are also provided. The Jenin district is home to two hospitals; one general and one private, as well as 54 primary health care clinics; of which 20 belong to NGOs, 29 to the public sector and 5 to UNRWA. The report devotes a chapter to reviewing water resources in the district, especially groundwater wells and springs. Current water supply for agriculture in Jenin does not reflect actual need of the agricultural sector due to the fact that Israel controls water extraction from wells. Therefore, farmers depend on rainfall to supplement their crops with additional water. One of the most important environmental concerns in the Jenin district is the high percentage of leakage of up to 40% of water supply due to an old and damaged network. The report also reviews the industrial sector in the district and its environmental impact, solid waste and wastewater disposal and treatment systems, and air and noise pollution. It finally calls for more focused regulations on liquid and solid waste, as well as efforts to construct waste treatment plants especially for treating domestic and industrial wastewater..